16. Analysis of Experimental Measurments

Once we gathered all the experimental data we were looking for it is time to put this information to use.

However, prior to doing so, we need to understand the limitations of our data. In previousl lectures, we discussed how to gather the information properly, using calibration, proper sampling, and noise reduction techniques.

Now, we will try to put the information we obtained from the experiments in a different context, trying to answer questions such as:

  1. Does the gathered data (based on a finite number of measurments) pose a good approximation for the population as a whole?

  2. How can we represent the entire data set using a minimal set of values?

  3. How can we test the hypothesis we had prior to performing the experiment?

  4. Can we be sure that we will meet the required tolerances, given the scatter in our data?

  5. Does it make sense at all?

As you can guess, our focus will be on random errors and we will assume (for now) that we have eliminated all other sources of error we can think of. This assumption will of course ve tested during the analysis we will conduct.

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from matplotlib import rcParams
%matplotlib inline
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12, 8]
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 import numpy as np 
----> 2 import pandas as pd
      3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      4 from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'

16.1. Probability

We have previously used expressions such as:

\[ X \pm \mu \]

where we reffered to \(\mu\) as the uncertainty. Lets focus on that for a few minutes.

What does an uncertainty of \(\mu\) actually means?

For simplicity let us consider a general case, where we are measuring a physical quantity \(X\). When reporting the value of \(X\) we actually report a probable value. In other words we will report something like:

\[ X=\bar{X}\pm \mu \ \ (T_{\mu}) \]

here, \(X\) is what we are looking for, \(\bar{X}\) is the most probable value for \(X\) and \(\pm \mu\) is the uncertainty interval with a probability \(T_{\mu}\).

Since we can (almost) never sample the entire population, we use the observations (sample) we have and try to draw conclusions from it.

So when we reported \(\bar{X}\) we were refering to the sample mean.

\[ \bar{X} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i \]

That was simple.

But, what does \(\pm \mu\) means and how do we associate it with \(T_{\mu}\)?

\(\mu\) is the sample standard deviation, which we estimate by measuring the distance between our observations and the sample mean.

\[ \mu = \left[ \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n \left(X_i-\bar{X}\right )^2 \right]^{1/2} \]

Before discussing how we obtain \(T_{\mu}\) and why did we define \(\mu\) the way we did, lets revise reall quick what you know from your course in probability and statistics.

Probability function

Given a smapling space \(\Omega\) of discrete values, the probability function \(P\) maps each discrete value \(x_i\) to a number between \(0\) and \(1\) such that \(0 \leq P(x_i)\leq 1\) and \(\sum_i P(x_i) =1\)

Without getting into details we will remind ourselves that :

  1. \(P(A \cup B) = P(A) +P(B) - P(A \cap B)\)

  2. \(P(A|B) \) is the probability of \(A\) given that \(B\). \(P(A|B)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)}\)

  3. If \(A\) is independent of \(B\) than \(P(A|B)=P(A)\) and \(P(A \cap B) = P(A)\cdot P(B)\)

We can ow recall Bayes’ rule:

Given two events \(A\) and \(B\) we can write:

\[ P(B|A) = \frac{P(A|B)\cdot P(B)}{P(A)} \]

The Bayes rule allow us to ask ourselves what is the probability of \(B\) happening given that \(A\) happens, from knowledge we have regarding the probability of \(A\) occuring if \(B\) happend. in other words it allows us to reverse the direction of the conditional probability.


We ordered a set of cooling elements from three suppliers. (why?) After inserting the units to production we found that some of the units lead to premature falure of our product due to extensive heating:


Fraction of stock

\(P\) of failed units










We now want to ask our selves what is the probability for a failed product to contain a unit manufactured in \(A,B,C\)?

The answer is obtained using Bayes rule

First we can find \(P(F)=P(F|A)P(A) + P(F|B)P(B) + P(F|C)P(C) = 0.033\) and now

\[\begin{split} P(A|F) = \frac{P(F|A)\cdot P(A)}{P(F)}=\frac{0.025*0.4}{0.033} = 0.303\\ P(A|F) = \frac{P(F|A)\cdot P(A)}{P(F)}=\frac{0.05*0.25}{0.033} = 0.379\\ P(A|F) = \frac{P(F|A)\cdot P(A)}{P(F)}=\frac{0.03*0.35}{0.033} = 0.318 \end{split}\]

Remeber this example as we will revisit it soon when we try to decide which supplier is better for us

To continue with our discussion on probability we will make a distinction between discrete and continous variables and distributions.

16.1.1. Discrete variables

Given a discrete variable \(X\) we can define \(f(x)=P(X=x)\) with \(f(x)\) being the probability mass function PMF.

Lets take the first HW grade as our discrete variable.

We plot the number of observations at each grade

grades = pd.read_csv('../rep/grades.csv')

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2)

axs[0,0].hist(grades.HW1,bins=100, density=False);
axs[0,1].hist(grades.HW1,bins=10, density=False);
axs[1,0].hist(grades.HW1,bins=100, density=True);
axs[1,1].hist(grades.HW1,bins=10, density=True);


  • What is the difference between the 4 plots above?

  • From which plot its easier for you to get a “feel” regarding the course grades?

Another way to visualize this data is to look at the cumulative distribution function or CDF

The CDF is defined by \(F(t)=P(X \leq t)\)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(grades.HW1, bins=10, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=1,
        label='CDF 10bins.', linewidth=2)
ax.hist(grades.HW1, bins=100, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=1,
        label='CDF 100bins.',  linewidth=2)

ax.set_title('Cumulative distribution function',fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel('Grade in HW1',fontsize=15)

../_images/PnS_7_0.png Not all distributions are born the same

Bernoulli distribution

A Bernoulli distribution is such where the random variable can attain a value of \(0\) or \(1\) (e.g. pass or fail) . As such \(P(X=1)=p\) and \(P(x=0)=1-p\)

Binomial distribution \(B(n,p)\)

A binomial distribution answer the questions :

What is the probability to succedd in \(n\) independent experiments where all of them are described by the Bernoulli distribution with \(p\)

Hypergeometric distribution

Similar to the previous distributions, \(x\) can take only two values.

Here we are asking the question: Given that we check \(n\) units out of a set of \(N\) where \(K\) units are not meeting the quality standards of our production line. What is the propability that we will check \(x\) disqualified units?

\[\begin{split} f(x)=\frac{\begin{pmatrix} K \\ x \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} N-K \\ n-x \end{pmatrix} }{\begin{pmatrix} N \\ n \end{pmatrix} } \end{split}\]

in case you forgot : \(\begin{pmatrix} N \\ n \end{pmatrix} = \frac{N!}{n!(N-n)!}\)

Poisson distribution

Poisson distribution is used to describe the probability of \(n\) events occuring over a given duration.

the PMF of a Poisson random variable \(X\) is

\[ f(x)=\frac{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^x}{x!} \]

where \(\lambda = E(X)=Var(X)\) which is quite convinient :)


Assume that a car manufacturer produces \(9615\) cars per week. On avarage, \(5\) cars a week are disqualified due to poor workmanship.

  • what is the probability that next week at least one car will be disqualified?

  • what is the probability that next week no more than one car will be disqualified

  • what is the probability that in the next 4 weeks more than 30 cars will be disqualified?

At least one car

We are looking for $\( P(X \geq 1)= 1-P(X=0) = 1-frac{\exp(-5)5^0}{0!} = 0.9933 \)$

Maximum one car

\[ P(X\leq 1) = P(0)+P(1) = frac{\exp(-5)5^0}{0!} + frac{\exp(-5)5^1}{1!} = 0.0404 \]

More than \(30\) cars in the next \(4\) weeks:

SInce we only know the weekly probablity we need to define a new variable that will reffer to what happend over a duration of \(4\) weeks. Lets call it \(Y\)

\[ \lambda_Y = \lambda_X * 4 = 20 \]

and we are looking for \(P(Y>30)\) which is the same as \(1-P(Y \leq 29)\) An we find that \(P(Y>30)= 0.0218\)

from scipy.stats import poisson
P = poisson(mu)
PY = poisson(mu*4)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x,1-P.cdf(x), label='1 week.', linewidth=2)
ax.plot(x,1-PY.cdf(x), label=' 4 weeks.', linewidth=2)

ax.set_title('Cumulative distribution function',fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel('disqualified cars',fontsize=15)


16.1.2. The expectation value - characterizing the central tendency

Now here it gets tricky. We are used to use \(\mu\) for the uncerainty but in probability and statistics it is often used for describing the *mean or expectation value we will use \(E(X)=\mu\) interchangably so keep it in mind.

SO, the expectation value (or expected value) of a random discrete variable \(X\) sampled \(n\) times is given by

\[ E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^N p(x_i)x_i \]
  • what is \(E(X)\) for a Bernouli distribution?

  • what is \(E(X)\) for the binomial distribution?

  • Can you find an expression for \(E(Y)\) with \(Y\) being a fnction of \(X\)?

The sample mean is calculated over our sampled data such that :

\[ \bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i \]

16.1.3. The variance - characterizing the spread

The population variance, which a measure for how spread are the values of \(X\) with respect to \(E(X)\) is defined by:

\[ Var(X) = E((X-\mu)^2) = \sigma^2 \]

With \(\sigma\) being the standard variation. (note: \(Var(X+Y)=Var(X)+Var(Y)\) for independent \(X,Y\) )

Similarly, the sample variance \(s^2\) is defined over the set of samples we have :

\[ s=\sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}{n} \left( x_i - \bar{x} \right ) ^2} \]

and \(s\) is the standard deviation of the sample.


both \(\mu\) and \(\sigma^2\) are moments . We will learn later on how to use moments and the functions used to generate them so that we can identify the probability mass function of our variable.

16.1.4. Continous variables

A continous random variable \(X\) can take infinite possible variables.

Lets take as an example this list of defects extracted from a Ti6242 specimen manufactured via PBF-SLM.

We will start by examining the number of voxels occupied by each defect

#read the data
Mct = pd.read_csv('../Rep/defects.csv')

Radius [mm] Diameter [mm] Center x [mm] Center y [mm] Center z [mm] Volume [mm³] Voxel Surface [mm²] Gap [mm] Compactness ... Pos. x [mm] Pos. y [mm] Pos. z [mm] Projected size x [mm] Projected size y [mm] Projected size z [mm] Label Projected area (yz-plane) [mm²] Projected area (xz-plane) [mm²] Projected area (xy-plane) [mm²]
0 0.0777 0.1554 -0.8663 2.7036 1.4228 0.000329 689 0.0545 -0.0348 0.17 ... -0.8595 2.7104 1.4193 0.1446 0.1251 0.0782 53790 0.0060 0.0069 0.0104
1 0.0530 0.1060 -1.2693 2.6135 5.5475 0.000157 328 0.0269 -0.0023 0.25 ... -1.2557 2.6173 5.5553 0.1016 0.0938 0.0547 110251 0.0034 0.0037 0.0057
2 0.0533 0.1066 2.0900 1.0270 2.5693 0.000175 367 0.0291 0.1123 0.28 ... 2.0908 1.0160 2.5733 0.0938 0.1094 0.0547 71125 0.0042 0.0037 0.0062
3 0.0669 0.1338 4.0175 -1.2388 -4.0353 0.000175 366 0.0314 0.0052 0.14 ... 4.0243 -1.2188 -4.0315 0.0860 0.1290 0.0625 8224 0.0045 0.0038 0.0064
4 0.0474 0.0949 -0.5736 -0.0857 4.1112 0.000130 271 0.0237 0.1406 0.29 ... -0.5721 -0.0812 4.1130 0.0860 0.0938 0.0547 88338 0.0035 0.0032 0.0048

5 rows × 21 columns

print('description of the number of voxels per defect','\n',Mct.Voxel.describe())
description of the number of voxels per defect 
 count    112048.000000
mean          1.409842
std           6.288546
min           1.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           1.000000
75%           1.000000
max         689.000000
Name: Voxel, dtype: float64
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(Mct.Voxel, bins=50, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=1,
        label='CDF 50bins.', linewidth=2)

ax.set_title('Defects size in voxels',fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel('number of voxels',fontsize=15)

fig, axs = plt.subplots()

axs.hist(Mct.Voxel,bins=100, density=True);
#organize the headers
#making things easier on the eye
Mct['r']=Mct.apply(lambda row: np.sqrt(row.X*row.X+row.Y*row.Y),axis=1)
Mct.eval("theta = arctan2(X,Y)",  inplace=True)
Samp_vol =Mct.r.max() * Mct.r.max() *np.pi * (Mct.Z.max()-Mct.Z.min())
print('Estimated Sample Volume:', Samp_vol)
Mctnew = Mct.drop(Mct[Mct.Voxel < 8].index).copy()

Estimated Sample Volume: 746.5442734136954
Radius Diameter CenterX CenterY CenterZ Volume Voxel Surface Gap Compactness ... Z ProjectedX ProjectedY Projected Label ProjectedYZ ProjectedXZ ProjectedXY r theta
count 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 ... 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000
mean 0.027697 0.055395 0.067099 0.819863 0.064835 0.000028 58.959036 0.008039 0.007397 0.225398 ... 0.064916 0.048505 0.046791 0.033359 47885.212048 0.001193 0.001211 0.001430 2.789063 -0.038965
std 0.012050 0.024103 2.049289 1.988997 3.597330 0.000041 85.371118 0.007972 0.066483 0.094740 ... 3.597026 0.022298 0.023096 0.013123 35446.875682 0.001038 0.001021 0.001448 1.016491 1.537667
min 0.012400 0.024700 -4.281100 -3.735600 -6.052800 0.000004 8.000000 0.001700 -0.039700 0.050000 ... -6.048900 0.015600 0.011700 0.007800 1.000000 0.000200 0.000200 0.000100 0.067113 -3.121345
25% 0.017500 0.035000 -1.518150 -0.916000 -2.698800 0.000005 11.000000 0.002400 -0.015700 0.150000 ... -2.698650 0.031300 0.027400 0.023500 17948.000000 0.000500 0.000500 0.000400 2.143471 -0.959730
50% 0.024100 0.048200 -0.033500 1.129900 0.243600 0.000010 22.000000 0.004300 -0.006700 0.200000 ... 0.239500 0.043000 0.039100 0.031300 51432.000000 0.000700 0.000800 0.000800 2.871200 -0.068222
75% 0.037200 0.074400 1.824800 2.590750 2.791850 0.000034 72.000000 0.011600 0.001250 0.280000 ... 2.794950 0.064450 0.062500 0.039100 71367.000000 0.001600 0.001600 0.002050 3.626132 0.904677
max 0.077700 0.155400 4.265800 4.336400 6.038300 0.000329 689.000000 0.054500 0.593100 0.530000 ... 6.046100 0.144600 0.129000 0.093800 111991.000000 0.006600 0.006900 0.010400 4.405642 3.133515

8 rows × 23 columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(Mctnew.Voxel, bins=50, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=1,
        label='CDF 50bins.', linewidth=2)

ax.set_title('Defects size in voxels',fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel('number of voxels',fontsize=15)

fig, axs = plt.subplots()

axs.hist(Mctnew.Voxel,bins=100, density=True);

Now, this data doesnt seem to be following a normal distribution doesnt it?

Lets see what a normal distribution with the same mean and std woul look like:

from scipy.stats import norm
mu = Mctnew.Voxel.mean()
Var = np.power(Mctnew.Voxel.std(),2)
sigma = Mctnew.Voxel.std()
Vox = norm(mu,sigma)
fig, axs = plt.subplots()

axs.hist(Mctnew.Voxel,bins=50, density=True,label='experimental data');
axs.hist(Vox.rvs(415),bins=50, density=True,alpha=0.4, label='Normal distribution');

Here is the catch

We usually assume that our random variable is distributed in a normal distribution.

It has some advantages since it allows us to use \(s\) in an intuitive manner and state that:

  • \(~68\%\) of the data lies between \(\bar{x} \pm s\)

  • \(~95\%\) of the data lies between \(\bar{x} \pm 2s\)

  • \(~99.7\%\) of the data lies between \(\bar{x} \pm 3s\)

  • \(3.4 X 10^{-5}\) of the data lies outside \(\bar{x} \pm 6s\) (the six-sigma methodology)

data=[Mct.Voxel, Mctnew.Voxel,Vox.rvs(415)]
([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1986267aec8>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x19862411f08>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x19864ae6408>],
 [Text(1, 0, 'Original'), Text(2, 0, 'Cleaned'), Text(3, 0, 'Normal')])
box schematic

Let us ignore the experimental data for a while and focus on the synthetic one.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
SDefects = Vox.rvs(1000)
ax.hist(SDefects,bins='auto', density=False, histtype='step', cumulative=1,
        label='CDF', linewidth=2)
ax.hist(SDefects,bins='auto', density=False, cumulative=0,
        label='pdf', linewidth=2)
ax.set_title('Defects size in voxels',fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel('number of voxels',fontsize=15)


If we trust the algorithm we used to generate the defects data than the cruves above should represent a Normal ditribution

But how can we test that?

Assuming that the theoretical and actual probabilities are the same, we can rely on a simple and visual method to suppor our assumption:

Quantile-Quantile plot

The quantiles of each distribution should align with the other to form a straight line:

from scipy import stats



We can do the same for the experimental data in case we are not convinced it is not following a normal distribution:


Or, if we try some other probability function, Lt’s take gamma for example:

a,b,c= stats.gamma.fit(Mctnew.Voxel)
G=stats.gamma(a, b,c);
GamProb = G.rvs(size=415);
x=np.linspace(G.ppf(0.01),G.ppf(0.99), 100)
GPDF = G.pdf(x)
QQp(Mctnew.Voxel,plot=plt ,dist=stats.gamma(a));
GamProb = G.rvs(size=415);
x=np.linspace(G.ppf(0.01),G.ppf(0.99), 100)
GPDF = G.pdf(x)

fig, axs = plt.subplots()

axs.hist(Mctnew.Voxel,bins=30, density=True,label='experimental data');
axs.hist(GamProb,bins=30,alpha=0.6,density=True,label='Fitted Gamma distribution');
axs.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)


16.1.5. Some common distributions Normal distribution

We already met the normal distribution (Gaussian) which is commonly observed in many scenarios. This distribution is characterized by two parameters: \(\mu\) - mean (center) and \(\sigma\) - standard deviation (spread)

A random variable \(X\) with a normal distribution is written as:

\(X ∼ N(\mu,\sigma)\)


\[ f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}\exp \left [ -\frac{1}{2}\left ( \frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \right ) ^2 \right ] \]

Assumin \(X\) is the number of cycles for failure in a fatigue test, and is characterized by \((\mu=21,\sigma=15)\)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
x = np.linspace(a.ppf(0.001),
                a.ppf(0.999), 100)
ax.plot(x, a.pdf(x),
       'r-', lw=5, label='PDF')
CF = a.rvs(1000)
ax.hist(CF, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)

we can ask questions such as:

  • What is the probability of not failing after 100 cycles?

\(P(X \gt 100) = 1-P(X \le 100) = 1-F(100) = 1- \int_{-\infty}^100 \frac{1}{21\sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp \left [ -\frac{1}{2}\left ( \frac{x-100}{21} \right ) ^2 \right ] \)

  • What is the number of cycles for which we have less than a \(0.1\) probability of failure?


I assume you all remember that we can standarize the normal distribution such that :

\(Z = \frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}\)

and obtain \(Z~N(0,1)\)

What does the follwoing tell us?

print(a.cdf(1100) - a.cdf(900) )
0.17938758566989427 Exponential distribution

Recall the Poisson distribution we discussed in the context of discrete variables.

In that case we can state that \(X\) is the number of failures in a week \((\lambda)\).

A continous description can be formulated as the time until failure \(T_x\).

and the PDF & CDF of \(t_x\) are given by :

\[\begin{split} F(t_x) =1- \exp ^{-\lambda t_x} \\ \\ \ \ \\ f(t_x)= \lambda\exp ^{-\lambda t_x} \end{split}\]

We will often use \(\theta = \frac{1}{\lambda}\) such that \(\theta\) will characterise the mean time until the first failure.

and now, (going back to \(x\) fr simplicity)

\[ f(x) = \frac{1}{\theta} \exp \left [ \frac{-x}{\theta} \right ] \]

and :

\[ \mu = \theta \ \ ; \ \ \sigma = \theta \]

So, if a failure occur at a mean rate of \(49\) cars a week and we can consider it as a Poisson process, what is the probability we will habe more than a day between failures?

\(\lambda = 49/7 = 7\) cars a day and \(\theta = \frac{1}{7}\) \(\Rightarrow\) \(f(t_x) = 7\exp (-7 t_x)\)

\(P(t_x>1) = \exp(-7*1) = 0.0009\)

def Plot_exp(loc,scale):
    x = np.linspace(E.ppf(0.001),
                E.ppf(0.999), 100)
    CF = E.rvs(1000)
    return x,E.pdf(x),CF

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
x,y,CF = Plot_exp(10,5)
ax.plot(x, y,'r-', lw=5, label='PDF (10,5)')
ax.hist(CF, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)

x,y,CF = Plot_exp(10,10)
ax.plot(x, y,'b-', lw=5, label='PDF (10,10)')
ax.hist(CF, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)

x,y,CF = Plot_exp(1,10)
ax.plot(x, y,'k-', lw=5, label='PDF (1,10)')
ax.hist(CF, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)

ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
../_images/PnS_45_0.png Exponential distribution \(\to\) Gamma distribution

Now lets assume we wish to ask how much time we need to wait untile three cars break down.

the \(F\) (cdf) of the expoential distribution told us when the next event will happen. Looking for the \(n^{th}\) event is similar to :

\(F(t_x) = 1-\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \frac{(\lambda t_x)^k\exp (-\lambda t_x)}{k!}\)

After some simple manipulation, we can show that \(f(t_x) = F`(t_x)\) is given by for integer \(k\) values :

\[ f(t_x) = \frac{t_x^{k-1}}{(k-1)!\theta^k}\exp(-\frac{t_x }{\theta}) \]


\[\begin{split} f(t_x) = \frac{t_x^{k-1}}{\Gamma(k)\theta^k}\exp(-\frac{t_x }{\theta}) \\ \\ \ \ \\ \Gamma(k) = \int_0^{\infty}y^{k-1}\exp(-y)dy \end{split}\]


the mean is given by \(\mu = k\theta\) and the variance \(\sigma^2\) is calculated from \(\sigma = \sqrt{k}\theta\)

def get_gam(a):
    x = np.linspace(stats.gamma.ppf(0.01, a),
                stats.gamma.ppf(0.99, a), 100)
    y = stats.gamma(a)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

ax.plot(x, y.pdf(x),'r-', lw=5, label='k=1')

ax.plot(x, y.pdf(x),'b-', lw=5, label='k=3')

ax.plot(x, y.pdf(x),'k-', lw=5, label='k=1.5')

ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)

16.1.6. From Gamma \(\to\) Chi-Square

If our continous random varible \(X\) follow a gamma distribution with \(\theta =2\) and \(2k=r\) with \(r\) being a positive integer :

\[ f(x) = \frac{x^{r/2-1}}{\Gamma(\frac{r}{2})2^{r/2}}\exp(-\frac{x }{2}) \]

We will refer to it as a

distribution with \(r\) dof.

since it follows the gamma distribution the mean a variance of the Chi-Square are given by :

\[ \mu=E[X] =r \ \ \text{ and } \quad \sigma^2 = 2r \]
def get_chi2(dof):
    x = np.linspace(stats.chi2.ppf(0.01, dof),stats.chi2.ppf(0.99, dof), 100)
    y = stats.gamma(dof)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

ax.plot(x, y.pdf(x),'r-', lw=5, label='r=1')

ax.plot(x, y.pdf(x),'b-', lw=5, label='r=4')

ax.plot(x, y.pdf(x),'k-', lw=5, label='r=7')

ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)

And if we are looking for the value of the random variable for which \(P(X\le x) =0.75\) and we know that \(r=7\) (black curve) we obtain:

print('x=',stats.chi2.ppf(0.75, 7))
x= 9.037147547908143

Similarly, the probability that our random variable is greater than 12.5 is :

x= 0.25298532330929824

16.2. Statistical inference

When designing an experimental campaign we will, in many scenarios, aim at understanding a process or a phenomena or simply compare populations (e.g. different vendors)

Let us examine the table below where the steady state pressure acting on a pressure vessel was measured at three different labs, 108 times for each lab:

PresMax = pd.read_csv('../rep/PressureMax.csv')
LocU LocM LocD
count 108.000000 108.000000 108.000000
mean 848.207680 932.301881 850.186908
std 24.866816 75.941999 35.216735
min 800.108198 718.892815 767.670008
25% 827.704051 888.556853 826.034777
50% 846.506359 924.015280 850.758706
75% 865.025943 984.351980 873.589351
max 927.304354 1157.256599 939.918922
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.hist(PresMax.LocU, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.4,label='Lab U')
ax.hist(PresMax.LocM, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', label='Lab M')
ax.hist(PresMax.LocD, density=True, histtype='stepfilled',alpha=0.6,label='Lab M')
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)

16.2.1. Sampling variats

for \(n\) which is not sufficiently large, we will use

\[ t=\frac{\sqrt{n} (\bar{x}-\mu)}{s} \]

in which \(n\) is the DOF.

We will frequently be interested in the variations between the observable and not it mean. in those situations, we will resort to the Chi-Square dsitribution desribed above where:

\[ X^2 = \frac{s^2}{\sigma^2} (n-1) \]

is the variate of interest.

When comparing the variation between two processes or populations, we will often use the F-variate dfined as :

\[ F = \frac{s_1^2\sigma_2^2}{s_2^2 \sigma_1^2} \]

where the sample standard deviation \(s\) of each popoulation/process contains the information regarding the number of samples.

16.2.2. Law(s) of large Numbers

  1. Assume \(X_i\) to be a set of measurements (independent random variables identically distributed) for which the expectation value is \(E[X_i]=\mu\) and \(\bar{X}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_i=1^nX_i\) , assuming a finite variance we can show that for sufficiently large \(n\) we will obtain \(\bar{X} \to \mu\)

  2. With \(X\) being the same set of measurements as before, and \(\mu = E[X_i] <\infty\) then \(\bar{X} \to \mu\) for sufficiently large \(n\).

\(n\) can be estimated using \(\sum\frac{\sigma_i^2}{i^2}\)

16.2.3. Central limit theorem

Assumin that \(\bar{X}\) is the mean of \(X\) over \(n\) measurements, for a sufficiently large \(n\) we can show that

\[ Z_n=\frac{\sqrt{n}}{\sigma}\left ( \bar{X}-\mu \right ) \]

Approaches \(N(0,1)\) as n increases.

Coming back to our example regarding the pressure data, looking at the sample mean of the U location we observe it to be \(848.21\). But what does it tell us?

Using the standard error we can test how precise the estimator is.

16.2.4. Inference on a mean

writing the measured response as

\[ y_i = \mu + e_i \]

it means that \(\bar{y}\) (the sample mean) is an estimator of the population mean \(\mu\)

Assuming that the errors \(e_i\) are independent on eachother and normally distributed (as is often the case with random errors).

looking back on the t-distribution

\[ t = \frac{(\bar{y}-\mu)\sqrt{n}}{s} \]

Starting with :

\[ P[-t_{\alpha/2} < t < t_{\alpha/2}] = 1-\alpha \]

and doing some algebra we obtain :

\[ \bar{y} \pm t_{\alpha/2}s \]

which translates into the statement that:

we are \(1-\alpha\) % sure that our confidience limits cover the unknown \(\mu\) of the population mean.

looking at our examples we can find the 95% C.I for each location :

def print_CI(alpha, colName, dof):
    CIL = PresMax[colName].mean() -stats.t.ppf(1-alpha/2,df=107)*PresMax[colName].std()
    CIU = PresMax[colName].mean() -stats.t.ppf(alpha/2,df=107)*PresMax[colName].std()
    print ('For location',colName, 'the 95% CI is between ', CIL, 'and',CIU ,'and the sample mean is ',PresMax[colName].mean()) 
for colName in PresMax.columns:
For location LocU the 95% CI is between  798.9121173491465 and 897.5032419952981 and the sample mean is  848.2076796722223
For location LocM the 95% CI is between  781.7557248710715 and 1082.8480377178173 and the sample mean is  932.3018812944443
For location LocD the 95% CI is between  780.3738389715376 and 919.9999780136478 and the sample mean is  850.1869084925927 Hypothesis

Now lets test the hypothesis that the mean pressure in LocU is \(825\)

Our null hypothesis is

\[ H_0: \mu = 825 \]

And the alternative is

\[ H_a: \mu \ne 825 \]

using the t statistic we can formulate a decision rule:

Reject \( t>t_{\alpha/2} \ \ \text{or} \ \ t<t_{-\alpha/2}\)

for LocU \(t=0.745\) and \(t_{\alpha/2} = 1.982\)

We can estimate \(n\) for a given \(CI\) as:

\[ n = \left ( \frac{2 z_{\alpha /2} \sigma}{L} \right ) ^2 \]

How to compare the results from the different labs?

You were asked to conduct the experiment and report back if the new lab (LocM) is reliable

What will you say?

Welsch’s t-test

We can test if the results we obtained from the three independent labs represent the same mean (what is the meaning of population here?)

\[ t= \frac{\bar{X_1}-\bar{X_2}}{s_{w}} \]
\[ s_{w} = \sqrt{\frac{s_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{s_2^2}{n2}} \]

For LocU and LocD:

res = stats.ttest_ind(PresMax['LocU'],PresMax['LocD'], equal_var =False)
print('p-value is ',res.pvalue)
p-value is  0.6338258372488789

For LocU and LocM:

res = stats.ttest_ind(PresMax['LocU'],PresMax['LocM'], equal_var =False)
print('p-value is ',res.pvalue)
p-value is  3.9546450355445506e-20

16.2.5. Confidence intervals for the variance

The sample variance of \(x\) is given by :

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned} s^2 = \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_i (x_i -\bar{x})^2 $$. \\since we alreday claimed that we can construct a variate $X$ which will follow a Chi-Square distribution :\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

X^2=(n-1) \left(\frac{s}{\sigma}\right )^2 $$

we can state that :

\[ P \left [ X^2_{1-\alpha/2} < (n-1) \left(\frac{s}{\sigma}\right )^2 < X^2_{\alpha/2} \right ]=1-\alpha \]

which will lead to

\[ P \left [ \frac{(n-1)s^2}{X^2_{\alpha/2}} < \sigma^2 < \frac{(n-1) s^2}{X^2_{1-\alpha/2}}\right ]=1-\alpha \]

and thus we now have a way of declaring the CI over \(\sigma^2\) with 100(1-\alpha)% :

\[ \sqrt{\frac{(n-1)s^2}{X^2_{\alpha/2}} }< \sigma < \sqrt{\frac{(n-1) s^2}{X^2_{1-\alpha/2}}} \]

The hypothesis below may be used to check if the variance in the measurments of lab LocU us \(\sigma_0^2\)

\(H_0 : \sigma_{LocU} = \sigma_{0}\)

\(H_{alt} : \sigma_{LocU} \ne \sigma_{0}\)

However, we need to take one more step so that we can test if the data from the three labs has the same variance:

Using the \(F\) variate we defined before :

\[ \frac{s_1^2}{s_2^2F_{\alpha/2}} < \left( \frac{\sigma_1}{\sigma_2} \right )^2 <\frac{s_1^2}{s_2^2F_{1-\alpha/2}} \]

Note that we have considered all of our measurments to arise from the same population of pressure vessels, otherwise we would have taken a different route.


Assume the maximum allowed pressure is 900MPa

How will you go about deciding should you use the current design for operational pressure vessels?

16.2.6. Linear regression

A linear regression model will assume the form of :

\[ y_i = a_0 +a_1x_i + e_i \]

where \(x_i\) can be alinear or non-linear functn of another predictor (you will find that \(x=ln(z)\) is bein used quite often).

and is based on the assumptions that :

  1. The \(y\) is indeed dependent on \(x\) in a linear manner (or it is a good approximation) in the range of interest

  2. \(x\) is measured withot (?) an error.

  3. \(e_i ~N(0,\sigma)\) with a constant variance.

16.3. To be continued

16.3.1. What to do when we have two variabales? Covariance and Correlation

\[\begin{split} \text{Cov}(X,Y) = E[(X-\mu_x)(Y-\mu_y)] = \int \int (x-\mu_x)(y-\mu_y)f(x,y)dxdy =E[XY]-\mu_X\mu_Y =\sigma_{XY} \\ \\ \ \ \\ \text{Corr}(X,Y) = \frac{\sigma_{XY}}{\sigma_X \sigma_Y} \end{split}\]


What can you tell me about \(\text{Corr}(X,Y)\) ? Joint probability (\(X,Y \to \)random variables)

The join probability density is given by :

\[ P(X,Y) = \int \int f(x,y)dxdy \]

So, lets think of it as an area measure.

Now, it simple to find things like \(P(X<10,10<Y<50)\) or \(P(X>Y)\) right?

We can define the marginal pdf of each variable following

\[ f_X(x) = \int f(x,y)dy \]

and their expectaction value :

\[ E[X]=\int \int xf(x,y)dxdy \]

we can even use \(f_X(x),f_Y(y)\) to check if two variables are depndent or not by asking :

\[ f(x,y)=f_X(x)f_Y(y) ??? \] Conditional probability

What is the probability of X for Y=y?

\[ h(x|y)=\frac{f(x,y)}{f_X(x)} \]
\[ E[X|y]=\int xh(x|y)dy \]
\[ \text{Var}(X|y) = E[X^2|y]-[E(X|y)]^2 \]

For a normal distribution and for a linear expectation value of \(X\) given \(y\) in which the conditional variance does not depend on the value of \(x\) this translate into:

\[ (X|Y=y)~N \left ( \mu_X + \rho\frac{\sigma_Y}{\sigma_X}(Y-\mu_Y) \ \ , \ \ \sigma_X^2 (1-\rho^2) \right ) \]

When both \(X\) and \(Y\) are normally distributed we can write the joint probability density function as:

\[\begin{split} f(x,y)=\frac{1}{2\pi \sigma_X \sigma_Y \sqrt{1-\rho}}\exp \left ( -\frac{1}{2}q(x,y) \right ) \\ \\ \ \ \\ q(x,y) = \frac{1}{1-\rho^2} \left [ \left( \frac{X-\mu_X}{\sigma_X} \right )^2 + \left( \frac{Y-\mu_Y}{\sigma_Y} \right )^2 - 2 \rho \frac{X-\mu_X}{\sigma_X}\frac{Y-\mu_Y}{\sigma_Y} \right ] \end{split}\]

16.4. To be continued