25. HW2

  1. What kind of signal is your system measuring?

    • static

    • quasi-static (if so what will force you to measure a dynamic signal instead?)

    • dynamic

  2. What kind of signal manipulations exist in your system? (None is an acceptable answer but make sure it’s correct before stating so)

  3. What best describes your system (or the portion of it you decide to describe here)

    • 0 order system

    • 1\(^{st}\) order system

    • 2^\({nd}\) order system Discuss the reasoning behind your answer. What considerations led to building your system as such?

  4. In the csv file named HW2_IR.csv you will find a signal of voltage vs time resulting from a temperature measurement using an IR detector. The calibration tests of the IR signals appear in HW2_cal.csv.

    1. Plot the Temperature as a function of time.

    2. Plot the uncertainty limits (assuming the calibration is the only source of uncertainty.

    3. The experiment was held in order to verify that introducing new piston design will lead to overheating of the piston housing during a duration of 1000 cycles. The IR signals were recorded at 3 position along the housing height. The maximum allowed temperature for the housing is 175\(^o\)C.
      Can you confirm that this is infact not an issue? Should the measurement be repeated ? If the answer is yes than why and what should be done differently.

    4. Analyze the frequency of the IR signal and compare it to the pistons operating frequency. What can you say about the process leading to the observed temperature rise?

Additional information

  1. The piston operates at a frequency of 25Hz.

  2. Assume no external interference exist and that all random errors where somehow eliminated from the IR measurement.

  3. In other words the voltage and time measurements in the file HW2_IR.csv has 0 uncertainty.