HomeWork 1

Question #1

Try to estimate the validity of the analytical solution when the plate is of final dimensions.

Guidance :

Assume a plate of dimensions \(L_a,L_b\). Use a FE software/code and calculate the stress distribution at key locations in the plate as a function of the ratio between the plate’s dimensions and the hole radius \((a)\). compare your findings with the analytical solution.

Question #2

Write the equations for the stress components for the following situations.

  1. Infinite plate with a hole under equibiaxial loading.

  2. Infinite plate with a hole subjected to shear loading.

  3. Infinite plate with a hole under arbitrary 2D loading

Guidance : Remember that we are dealing with a linear problem and thus the superposition principle apply in our case.

Question #3

Look in the literature for the LJ parameters of your material of choice and use it to answer the following:

  1. Plot the LJ potential for the chosen material.

  2. Plot the repulsive and attractive forces as afunction of the interatomic distance.

  3. Can you obtain the material’s Young’s modulus from the LJ potential? compare your estimate to known values in the literature.